Our students exceed
our expectations

Our Students


The school provides for physical-, learning- and intellectually impaired learners between the ages of 6 and 18 years, that cannot be accommodated in mainstream education. The school also serves a few hearing impaired learners capable of functioning in a normal class situation with the help of hearing aids and/or FM systems (this excludes learners who are deaf). In the autistic unit the school also provides for learners on the autistic spectrum.

Since February 2020 the school also accommodates deaf learners between the ages of 3-8 years in our Unit for Deaf learners. The aim will be to teach them sign language (SASL), written language and focus on early childhood development. At completion of their program, these learners will be transferred to schools for Deaf learners in the Western Cape.

The medium of education is English, Afrikaans and South African Sign Language(Unit for Deaf).

The school serves all towns and farming communities along the Southern Cape coastal region, which include: Riversdale, Albertinia, Mosselbay, Hartenbos, Klein Brak, Groot Brak, George, Hoekwil, Sedgefield, Karatara, Knysna, Plettenberg Bay and The Craggs.

As a resource centre of the WCED (Western Cape EducationalDepartment), Carpe Diem also serves the district with advice, guidance and help in regards to people with special needs.

At this moment there are 385 learners in the school, 84 of these learners are also being cared for in the hostels.


Die skool maak voorsiening vir fisies-, leergestremde- en intellektueel ingeperkte leerders tussen die ouderdom van 6 en 18 jaar, wat nie in die hoofstroom geakkommodeer kan word nie. Die skool bedien ook ‘n aantal gehooringeperkte leerders wie met gehoorapparate en/of FM Sisteme in ‘n normale klas opset kan funksioneer (dit sluit dus dowe leerders uit). Verder beskik die skool ook oor ‘n outistiese eenheid vir leerders op die outistiese spektrum.

Vanaf Februarie 2020 beskik die skool ook oor ‘n eenheid vir dowe leerders tussen die ouderdom van 3 en 8 jaar. Die eenheid het ten-doel om vir die leerders gebare taal (SASL) en geskrewe taal aan te leer en te fokus op vroeë kinderontwikkeling. Hierna sal die kinders oorgeplaas word na ‘n skool vir Dowes in die provinsie.

Onderrig geskied in Afrikaans. Engels en Suid-Afrikaanse Gebare Taal (Eenheid vir Dowes).

Die skool bedien al die dorpe en plaasgemeenskappe langs die kus van die Suid-Kaap o.a. Riversdal, Albertinia, Mosselbaai, Hartenbos, Klein Brak, Groot Brak, George, Hoekwil, Sedgefield, Karatara, Knysna, Plettenbergbaai en The Craggs.

Die skool is ook ‘n bronne sentrum van die Wes-Kaap Onderwys department (WKOD) wat die hele distrik bedien met raad, inligting en hulp rakende persone met spesiale behoeftes.

Daar is huidiglik 385 leerders in die skool waarvan 84 in die koshuise geakkommodeer word.

  • Carpe Diem learners
  • Carpe Diem students
  • Carpe Diem learners
  • Carpe Diem learners
  • Carpe Diem students
  • Carpe Diem students
  • Carpe Diem students

  • Carpe Diem students
  • Carpe Diem learners
  • Carpe Diem learners
  • Carpe Diem learners
  • Carpe Diem learners
  • Carpe Diem learners
  • Carpe Diem learners
Carpe Diem School


Learners must be referred to the school by the local WCED District Office. Potential learners are evaluated by the school’s multi-disciplinary team. The team is responsible to confirm that the learner will benefit from the help and education the school offers, before determining placement in a suitable class.


Leerders word deur die WKOD Distrikskantoor verwys. Die multi-dissiplinêre span evalueer dan die leerder, om te bevestig dat hy/sy sal kan baatvind by die onderrig en hulp hier gebied, sowel as die bepaling van die korrekte klasplasing.


1. Curriculum for learners with Learning Impairment:
Learners with normal intellectual ability with accompanying learning difficulties, unable to cope in main stream schools, are catered for in this phase. They will benefit from the smaller class groups, individual attention, amanuensis and voice recording of study material.

The learners follow the Curriculum and assessment Policy (CAPS) and the as prescribed by the educational department, moulded to the specific needs of each learner.

2. Curriculum for learners on the autistic spectrum:
At this moment there are 5 classes in the unit. Two caters for the younger learners (ECD), two for the higher functioning learners and one for the lower functioning learners. The curriculum focuses on structure, routine and total communication (Makaton, Tiny hands, photos, pictures and spoken language). Learners without language are being taught to use PECS (Picture exchange communication system) and hand signing. All the classes are equipped with work stations where learners follow the TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication-Handicapped Children - www.autismweb.com/teacch.htm) method of individual learning and practising of skills.

Higher functioning learners follow the CAPS curriculum.

The sensory aspects and needs of each learner are constantly monitored and considered. A play area and sensory room accommodating their specific need are available. These learners are supported to attend assembly and participate in school activities like concert etc. to help them with the necessary socialization.

3. Curriculum for learners with Intellectual Impairment:
Teachers spend ample time and effort to break down the learning outcomes and assessment standards of the D:CAPS curriculum for learners in the SID (Severely Intellectual Disability) Phase, ensuring that all learners develop their skills and ability optimally in concurrence with their capabilities to achieve a sense of success. The focus is on literacy, numeracy, life orientation and independence rather than knowledge.

Senior learners in this phase’s curriculum become more practically orientated.

The following subjects are presented:

Agriculture, Maintenance, Arts & Crafts, Consumer Studies, Office Administration, Pottery, Early Childhood Development (ECD) and Ancillary Health Care.

This equips learners to join the labour market or one of the local protective workshops in the area, once they reach 18years of age.

4. Curriculum for Deaf Learners
The curriculum will focus on sign language (SASL) vocabulary and grammatical, written language as well as early childhood development.


1. Kurrikulum vir leerders met Leergestremdheid:
Leerders met normale vermoëns, wat egter as gevolg van leerstoornisse, nie in die hoofstroom kan vorder nie, word geakkommodeer in die leergestremde baan.

Hulle vind baat by die kleiner klasgroepe, individuele aandag, amanuensis en bandhulp van studie materiaal. Die leerders volg die Nasionale Kurrikulum- en Assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (KABV) kurrikulum soos voorgeskryf deur die onderwysdepartement.

2. Kurrikulum vir leerders op die Outistiese Spektrum
Daar is tans 5 klasse in die afdeling. Twee vir die jonger leerders, twee hoër funksionele klasse en ‘n laer funksionele klas. Groot klem word gelê op struktuur en roetine en om van totale kommunikasie gebruik te maak (Makaton en Tiny Hands gebare, fotos en prentjies en gesproke taal) Leerders wat nie taal het nie word geleer om deur middel van PECS (picture exchange communication system) en gebare te kommunikeer. Al die klasse is ingerig met werkstasies waar die leerders die TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication-Handicapped Children - www.autismweb.com/teacch.htm) metode van onderrig gebruik.

Hoër funksioneerende leerders volg die CAPS kurriculum.

Leerders se sensoriese behoeftes word deurgans ingedagte gehou en daar is ‘n sensoriese kamer en spesfiek beplande speel area wat aan hulle unieke behoeftes kan voorsien. Hierdie leerders word aangemoedig om aan saalbyeenkomste en konserte deel te neem om hul met sosialisering te help.

3. Kurrikulum vir leerders met Intellektueel ingeperktheid:
Onderwysers spandeer baie tyd om die leeruitkomste en assesseringstandaarde van die G:KABV kurrikulum, te verfyn en aan te pas, sodat alle leerders ‘n mate van sukses kan behaal en hul vaardighede en vermoëns optimaal kan ontwikkel. Die klem lê op geletterdheid, syfervaardigheid, lewensvaardighede en funksionele onafhanklikheid, eerder as kennis.

Ouer leerders in die baan se kurrikulum raak meer prakties. Die volgende vakke word aangebied:

Landbou, Instandhouding, Kunsvlyt, Kookkuns, Kantoor Administrasie, Pottebakkery, Vroeë Kinderontwikkeling & Aanvullende Gesondheidssorg.

Sodoende word hul voorberei vir die arbeidsmark of om na skool toegelaat te word in een van die beskermende werkswinkels van die omgewing.

4. Kurrikulum vir Dowe leerders
Die kurrikulum sal fokus om die aanleer van gebaretaal (SASL), woordeskat, grammatika,geskrewe taal sowel as vroeë kinderontwikkeling.

  • Carpe Diem curriculum
  • Carpe Diem curriculum
  • Carpe Diem curriculum
  • Carpe Diem curriculum

  • Carpe Diem curriculum
  • Carpe Diem curriculum
  • Carpe Diem curriculum

  • Carpe Diem curriculum
  • Carpe Diem curriculum
  • Carpe Diem curriculum
  • Carpe Diem curriculum
  • Carpe Diem curriculum
  • Carpe Diem extramural
  • Carpe Diem extramural
  • Carpe Diem extramural
  • Carpe Diem extramural
  • Carpe Diem extramural

  • Carpe Diem extramural
  • Carpe Diem extramural
  • Carpe Diem extramural
  • Carpe Diem extramural

Extra Mural Activities

Carpe Diem School, has as part of our vision, that every learner should be encouraged and supported to discover and develop his/her talents and passions.

Extracurricular activities form an integral part of the development of our learners. All of them (no matter the level of impairment) are given the opportunity to take part in the following activities:

  • Swimming and Cycling (See also therapeutical activities)
  • Participation at school concerts and fashion shows
  • Organised sport (soccer, netball, wheelchair basketball, boccia, athletics, hocker, hockey, cricket and mini-cricket)
  • Curriculum supportive class outings and camps

Learners who show potential are developed futher in:

  • Hip-hop dancing
  • Disability Golf (Physically Impaired)
  • Choir (Carpe Deo Singing Group)
  • Swimming (professional training)

We feel that it is of great importance that the self-worth and self-confidence of each learner should be strengthened.

Buitemuurse Aktiwiteite

Carpe Diem Skool glo daaraan dat elke leerder se talente ontdek, ontgin en ontwikkel moet word.

Buitemuurse aktiwiteite speel dus ‘n integrale deel van die leerders se ontwikkeling en alle leerders (ongeag die graad van gestremdheid of ontwikkelingsvlak) word blootgestel aan die volgende aktiwiteite:

  • Swem en fietsry (Sien Terapeutiese aktiwietite)
  • Deelname aan skoolkonserte en modeparades
  • Georgeaniseerde Sport (sokker, netbal, rolstoelbasketbal, boccia, atletiek,hokkie, hokker, krieket en mini-krieket)
  • Kurrikulum ondersteunde uitstappies en kampe

Leerders met potensiaal word ook verder ontwikkel in:

  • Hip-hop dans
  • Koorsang (Carpe Deo Sanggroep)
  • Gholf vir persone met 'n gestremdheid (Fisiek ingeperkte leerders)
  • Swem (professionele afrigting)

Dit is belangrik vir ons dat leerders se selfbeeld en eiewaarde versterk moet word.

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